Open Game Content Wikia
Open Game Content Wikia

d20 Modern is the modern-day adaptation of the d20 System used in Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition; it was published by Wizards of the Coast in 2002. d20 Modern has its roots in a number of WotC-published d20 products that came out shortly after the release of D&D 3e, most notably Call of Cthulhu d20, the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, and a number of standalone d20 games that debuted in the pages of Polyhedron Magazine. The Modern SRD is the d20 Modern System Reference Document, and contains relevant rules from the core rulebook and primary supplements.

d20 Modern came out prior to the release of the v3.5 revision of D&D and the d20 System, and as such retains some legacy mechanics that were changed in the transition from v3.0 to v3.5.

Open Game Content[]

  • d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (only as included in the Modern SRD)
  • d20 Future (only as included in the Modern SRD)
  • Urban Arcana Campaign Setting (only as included in the Modern SRD)
  • d20 Menace Manual (only as included in the Modern SRD)
  • Weapons Locker (the sections titled Suppressors, Silencers, Bipods, Reliability, and Alternative Ammunition presented in the Introduction; all of the sections with the d20 Modern Rules heading; and all weapon game statistics)